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Why Traditional Focus Groups Still Hold Sway: Unpacking the Pitfalls of Social Media Research

In the digital age, businesses have become enamored with the potential of social media research. This research paradigm, backed by real-time data and an immense user base, seems poised to offer...

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Steering the Course: The Indispensable Role of Market Research in Fashion

Market research holds a pivotal role in the ever-changing landscape of the fashion industry. It is the key to unlocking what consumers want, how they...

Bridging the Gap: Gen Z Storytelling and the Role of Market Research

Accurate representation in media is crucial for any generation as it validates their experiences and provides a platform for meaningful conversations...

Matching Moderators: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Focus Group

The success of a focus group project doesn’t just depend on who’s sitting around the table—it also hinges on who’s leading the...

The Crucial Role of In-Person Market Research in the Beverage Industry

For any beverage sector business, understanding their consumers’ preferences and needs is critical. Researchers will often use online surveys...

The Power of In-Person Research: Unveiling the Hidden Depth and Richness

In the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and rapidly evolving technology, we find ourselves increasingly reliant on digital platforms for gathering...